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Algorithms to calculate centralities in (temporal) graphs.

The functions and submodules in this module allow to compute time-respecting or causal paths in temporal graphs and to calculate (temporal) and higher-order graph metrics like centralities.

# Import pathpyG and configure your torch device if you want to use GPU acceleration.
import pathpyG as pp
pp.config['torch']['device'] = 'cuda'

# Generate toy example for temporal graph
g = pp.TemporalGraph.from_edge_list([
    ('b', 'c', 2),
    ('a', 'b', 1),
    ('c', 'd', 3),
    ('d', 'a', 4),
    ('b', 'd', 2),
    ('d', 'a', 6),
    ('a', 'b', 7)

bw_t = pp.algorithms.temporal_betweenness_centrality(g, delta=1)
cl_t = pp.algorithms.temporal_closeness_centrality(g, delta=1)

static_graph = g.to_static_graph()
bw_s = pp.algorithms.betweenness_centrality(static_graph)
bw_s = pp.algorithms.closeness_centrality(static_graph)


Map to corresponding functions in centrality module of networkx.

Any call to a function that is not implemented in the module centrality and whose first argument is of type Graph will be delegated to the corresponding function in the networkx module centrality. Please refer to the networkx documentation for a reference of available functions.


Name Type Description Default
name str

the name of the function that shall be called

Source code in src/pathpyG/algorithms/
def __getattr__(name: str) -> Any:
    """Map to corresponding functions in centrality module of networkx.

    Any call to a function that is not implemented in the module centrality
    and whose first argument is of type Graph will be delegated to the
    corresponding function in the networkx module `centrality`. Please
    refer to the [networkx documentation](
    for a reference of available functions.

        name: the name of the function that shall be called

    def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
        if len(args) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError(f"Did not find method {name} with no arguments")
        if isinstance(args[0], TemporalGraph):
            raise NotImplementedError(f"Missing implementation of {name} for temporal graphs")
        # if first argument is of type Graph, delegate to networkx function
        if isinstance(args[0], Graph):
            g = to_networkx(args[0].data)
            r = getattr(centrality, name)(g, *args[1:], **kwargs)
            if name.index("centrality") > 0 and isinstance(r, dict):
                return map_to_nodes(args[0], r)
            return r
            return wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
            # raise RuntimeError(f'Did not find method {name} that accepts first argument of type {type(args[0])}')

    return wrapper


Calculate the betweenness centrality of nodes based on the fast algorithm proposed by Brandes:

U. Brandes: A faster algorithm for betweenness centrality, The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 2001


Name Type Description Default
g pathpyG.core.Graph.Graph

Graph object for which betweenness centrality will be computed


optional list of source nodes for BFS-based shortest path calculation

import pathpyG as pp
g = pp.Graph.from_edge_list([('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c'),
                    ('b', 'd'), ('c', 'e'), ('d', 'e')])
bw = pp.algorithms.betweenness_centrality(g)
Source code in src/pathpyG/algorithms/
def betweenness_centrality(g: Graph, sources=None) -> dict[str, float]:
    """Calculate the betweenness centrality of nodes based on the fast algorithm 
    proposed by Brandes:

    U. Brandes: A faster algorithm for betweenness centrality, The Journal of 
    Mathematical Sociology, 2001

        g: `Graph` object for which betweenness centrality will be computed
        sources: optional list of source nodes for BFS-based shortest path calculation

        import pathpyG as pp
        g = pp.Graph.from_edge_list([('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c'),
                            ('b', 'd'), ('c', 'e'), ('d', 'e')])
        bw = pp.algorithms.betweenness_centrality(g)
    bw = defaultdict(lambda: 0.0)

    if sources == None:
        sources = [v for v in g.nodes]

    for s in sources:
        S = list()
        P = defaultdict(list)

        sigma = defaultdict(lambda: 0)  
        sigma[s] = 1

        d = defaultdict(lambda: -1)        
        d[s] = 0

        Q = [s]
        while Q:
            v = Q.pop(0)
            for w in g.successors(v):
                if d[w] < 0:
                    d[w] = d[v] + 1
                if d[w] == d[v] + 1:
                    # we found shortest path from s via v to w
                    sigma[w] = sigma[w] + sigma[v]
        delta = defaultdict(lambda: 0.0)
        while S:
            w = S.pop()
            for v in P[w]:
                delta[v] = delta[v] + sigma[v]/sigma[w] * (1 + delta[w])
                if v != w:
                    bw[w] = bw[w] + delta[w]
    return bw


Map node-level centralities in dictionary to node IDs.


Name Type Description Default
g pathpyG.core.Graph.Graph

Graph object

c typing.Dict

dictionary mapping node indices to metrics

>>> import pathpyG as pp
>>> g = pp.Graph(torch.LongTensor([[1, 1, 2], [0, 2, 1]]),
...                               node_id=['a', 'b', 'c'])
>>> c = {0: 0.5, 1: 2.7, 2: 0.3}
>>> c_mapped = pp.algorithms.centrality.map_to_nodes(g, c)
>>> print(c_mapped)
{'a': 0.5, 'b': 2.7, 'c': 0.3}
Source code in src/pathpyG/algorithms/
def map_to_nodes(g: Graph, c: Dict) -> Dict:
    """Map node-level centralities in dictionary to node IDs.

        g: Graph object
        c: dictionary mapping node indices to metrics

        >>> import pathpyG as pp
        >>> g = pp.Graph(torch.LongTensor([[1, 1, 2], [0, 2, 1]]),
        ...                               node_id=['a', 'b', 'c'])
        >>> c = {0: 0.5, 1: 2.7, 2: 0.3}
        >>> c_mapped = pp.algorithms.centrality.map_to_nodes(g, c)
        >>> print(c_mapped)
        {'a': 0.5, 'b': 2.7, 'c': 0.3}
    return {g.mapping.to_id(i): c[i] for i in c}


Calculate the number of times any path traverses each of the nodes.


Name Type Description Default
paths pathpyG.core.path_data.PathData

PathData object that contains observations of paths in a graph

Source code in src/pathpyG/algorithms/
def path_node_traversals(paths: PathData) -> Counter:
    """Calculate the number of times any path traverses each of the nodes.

        paths: `PathData` object that contains observations of paths in a graph
    traversals = Counter()
    for i in range(paths.num_paths):
        w = paths.get_walk(i)
        for v in w:
            traversals[v] += paths.paths[i].edge_weight.max().item()
    return traversals


Calculate the probabilities that a randomly chosen path passes through each of the nodes. If 5 out of 100 paths (of any length) traverse node v, node v will be assigned a visitation probability of 0.05. This measure can be interpreted as ground truth for the notion of importance captured by PageRank applied to a graphical abstraction of the paths.


Name Type Description Default
paths pathpyG.core.path_data.PathData

PathData object that contains path data

Source code in src/pathpyG/algorithms/
def path_visitation_probabilities(paths: PathData) -> dict:
    """Calculate the probabilities that a randomly chosen path passes through each of
    the nodes. If 5 out of 100 paths (of any length) traverse node v, node v will be
    assigned a visitation probability of 0.05. This measure can be interpreted as ground
    truth for the notion of importance captured by PageRank applied to a graphical
    abstraction of the paths.

        paths: PathData object that contains path data
    # if not isinstance(paths, PathData):
    #    assert False, "`paths` must be an instance of Paths"
    # Log.add('Calculating visitation probabilities...', Severity.INFO)

    # entries capture the probability that a given node is visited on an arbitrary path
    # Note: this is identical to the subpath count of zero-length paths
    # (i.e. the relative frequencies of nodes across all pathways)
    visit_probabilities = path_node_traversals(paths)

    # total number of visits
    visits = 0.0
    for v in visit_probabilities:
        visits += visit_probabilities[v]

    for v in visit_probabilities:
        visit_probabilities[v] /= visits
    return visit_probabilities


Calculate the temporal betweenness of nodes in a temporal graph.

The temporal betweenness centrality definition is based on shortest time-respecting paths with a given maximum time difference delta, where the length of a path is given as the number of traversed edges (i.e. not the temporal duration of a path or the earliest arrival at a node).

The algorithm is an adaptation of Brandes' fast algorithm for betweenness centrality based on the following work:

S. Buss, H. Molter, R. Niedermeier, M. Rymar: Algorithmic Aspects of Temporal Betweenness, arXiv:2006.08668v2

Different from the algorithm proposed above, the temporal betweenness centrality implemented in pathpyG is based on a directed acyclic event graph representation of a temporal graph and it considers a maximum waiting time of delta. The complexity is in O(nm) where n is the number of nodes in the temporal graph and m is the number of time-stamped edges.


Name Type Description Default
g pathpyG.core.TemporalGraph.TemporalGraph

TemporalGraph object for which temporal betweenness centrality will be computed

delta int

maximum waiting time for time-respecting paths

import pathpyG as pp
t = pp.TemporalGraph.from_edge_list([('a', 'b', 1), ('b', 'c', 2),
                    ('b', 'd', 2), ('c', 'e', 3), ('d', 'e', 3)])
bw = pp.algorithms.temporal_betweenness_centrality(t, delta=1)
Source code in src/pathpyG/algorithms/
def temporal_betweenness_centrality(g: TemporalGraph, delta: int = 1) -> dict[str, float]:
    """Calculate the temporal betweenness of nodes in a temporal graph.

    The temporal betweenness centrality definition is based on shortest 
    time-respecting paths with a given maximum time difference delta, where 
    the length of a path is given as the number of traversed edges (i.e. not 
    the temporal duration of a path or the earliest arrival at a node).

    The algorithm is an adaptation of Brandes' fast algorithm for betweenness 
    centrality based on the following work:

    S. Buss, H. Molter, R. Niedermeier, M. Rymar: Algorithmic Aspects of Temporal
    Betweenness, arXiv:2006.08668v2

    Different from the algorithm proposed above, the temporal betweenness centrality
    implemented in pathpyG is based on a directed acyclic event graph representation of 
    a temporal graph and it considers a maximum waiting time of delta. The complexity 
    is in O(nm) where n is the number of nodes in the temporal graph and m is the number 
    of time-stamped edges.

        g: `TemporalGraph` object for which temporal betweenness centrality will be computed
        delta: maximum waiting time for time-respecting paths

        import pathpyG as pp
        t = pp.TemporalGraph.from_edge_list([('a', 'b', 1), ('b', 'c', 2),
                            ('b', 'd', 2), ('c', 'e', 3), ('d', 'e', 3)])
        bw = pp.algorithms.temporal_betweenness_centrality(t, delta=1)
    # generate temporal event DAG
    edge_index = lift_order_temporal(g, delta)

    # Add indices of first-order nodes as src of paths in augmented
    # temporal event DAG
    src_edges_src =[0] + g.M
    src_edges_dst = torch.arange(0,

    # add edges from first-order source nodes to edge events
    src_edges = torch.stack([src_edges_src, src_edges_dst])
    edge_index =[edge_index, src_edges], dim=1)
    src_indices = torch.unique(src_edges_src).tolist()

    event_graph = Graph.from_edge_index(edge_index, num_nodes=g.M+g.N)

    e_i =

    fo_nodes = dict()
    for v in range(g.M+g.N):
        if v < g.M:  # return first-order target node otherwise
            fo_nodes[v] = e_i[1, v]
            fo_nodes[v] = v - g.M

    bw: defaultdict[int, float] = defaultdict(lambda: 0.0)

    # for all first-order nodes
    for s in tqdm(src_indices):

        # for any given s, d[v] is the shortest path distance from s to v
        # Note that here we calculate topological distances from sources to events (i.e. time-stamped edges)
        delta_: defaultdict[int, float] = defaultdict(lambda: 0.0)

        # for any given s, sigma[v] counts shortest paths from s to v
        sigma: defaultdict[int, float] = defaultdict(lambda: 0.0)
        sigma[s] = 1.0

        sigma_fo: defaultdict[int, float] = defaultdict(lambda: 0.0)
        sigma_fo[fo_nodes[s]] = 1.0

        dist: defaultdict[int, int] = defaultdict(lambda: -1)
        dist[s] = 0

        dist_fo: defaultdict[int, int] = defaultdict(lambda: -1)
        dist_fo[fo_nodes[s]] = 0

        # for any given s, P[v] is the set of predecessors of v on shortest paths from s
        P = defaultdict(set)

        # Q is a queue, so we append at the right and pop from the left
        Q: deque = deque()

        # S is a stack, so we append at the end and pop from the end
        S = list()

        # dijkstra with path counting
        while Q:
            v = Q.popleft()
            # for all successor events within delta
            for w in event_graph.successors(v):

                # we dicover w for the first time
                if dist[w] == -1:
                    dist[w] = dist[v] + 1
                    if dist_fo[fo_nodes[w]] == -1:
                        dist_fo[fo_nodes[w]] = dist[v] + 1
                # we found a shortest path to event w via event v
                if dist[w] == dist[v] + 1:
                    sigma[w] += sigma[v]
                    # we found a shortest path to first-order node of event w
                    if dist[w] == dist_fo[fo_nodes[w]]:
                        sigma_fo[fo_nodes[w]] += sigma[v]

        c = 0.0
        for i in dist_fo:
            if dist_fo[i] >= 0:
                c += 1.0
        bw[fo_nodes[s]] = bw[fo_nodes[s]] - c + 1.0

        while S:
            w = S.pop()
            # work backwards through paths to all targets and sum delta and sigma   
            if dist[w] == dist_fo[fo_nodes[w]]:
                x = sigma[w]/sigma_fo[fo_nodes[w]]
                if isnan(x):
                    x = 0.0
                delta_[w] += x
            for v in P[w]:
                x = sigma[v]/sigma[w]
                if isnan(x):
                    x = 0.0
                delta_[v] += x * delta_[w]
                bw[fo_nodes[v]] += delta_[w] * x

    # map index-based centralities to node IDs
    bw_id = defaultdict(lambda: 0.0)
    for idx in bw:
        bw_id[g.mapping.to_id(idx)] = bw[idx]
    return bw_id


Calculates the temporal closeness centrality of nodes based on observed shortest time-respecting paths between all nodes.

Following the definition by M. A. Beauchamp 1965 (


Name Type Description Default
g pathpyG.core.TemporalGraph.TemporalGraph

TemporalGraph object for which temporal betweenness centrality will be computed

delta int

maximum waiting time for time-respecting paths

import pathpyG as pp
t = pp.TemporalGraph.from_edge_list([('a', 'b', 1), ('b', 'c', 2),
                    ('b', 'd', 2), ('c', 'e', 3), ('d', 'e', 3)])
cl = pp.algorithms.temporal_closeness_centrality(t, delta=1)
Source code in src/pathpyG/algorithms/
def temporal_closeness_centrality(g: TemporalGraph, delta: int) -> dict[str, float]:
    """Calculates the temporal closeness centrality of nodes based on
    observed shortest time-respecting paths between all nodes.

    Following the definition by M. A. Beauchamp 1965

        g: `TemporalGraph` object for which temporal betweenness centrality will be computed
        delta: maximum waiting time for time-respecting paths

        import pathpyG as pp
        t = pp.TemporalGraph.from_edge_list([('a', 'b', 1), ('b', 'c', 2),
                            ('b', 'd', 2), ('c', 'e', 3), ('d', 'e', 3)])
        cl = pp.algorithms.temporal_closeness_centrality(t, delta=1)
    centralities = dict()
    dist, _ = temporal_shortest_paths(g, delta)
    for x in g.nodes:
        centralities[x] = sum((g.N - 1) / dist[_np.arange(g.N) != g.mapping.to_idx(x), g.mapping.to_idx(x)])

    return centralities